Current turn over circa: £130,000

Offers over: £169,000

Established: 30 to 35 years

Gross Recurring Revenue: 100-150k

Number of staff: 1 to 3

Locations: Merseyside

Additional Notes: - The GRF is generated from a portfolio of around 190 clients which includes 50 limited companies, 50 sole traders and the remaining comprised of partnerships, sole traders, and personal clients.
- The practice boasts long term relationships with all clients, many of which have been sustained for over a decade, ensuring you will have a strong foundation of goodwill to further develop your business.
- Software includes VT, Xero and Quickbooks.
- General practice work including accounts, taxation, VAT, payroll and bookkeeping.

For more information please call 01765 698 699 and quote the reference number 30540


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