The official Retiring Accountant blog.
Covid-19 Changing Your Game?
Are you an Accountancy business owner who, before the Pandemic, wanted to start the process of Retiring and selling your Accountancy business?
Maybe you were planning to cut back on your schedule and wanted assistance to ensure that your clients would be looked after whilst taking away a premium cash sum for all your hard wor...
Preparing Your Accountancy Practice for Acquisition – Part 3!
Welcome to part 3 of how to prepare your Accountancy practice for acquisition!
Over the last two blogs we discussed how important it is for you to have in your mind’s eye exactly what you want to achieve from the sale of your Accountancy practice before you even start the process…
Preparing Your Accountancy practice for Acquisition – Part 2!
Welcome back to our blog on how to prepare your Accountancy practice for acquisition!
For those new to this segment, if you are looking to exit the industry and sell your Accountancy practice, then this blog can provide you with the steps you need to take and the changes you might need to make...
Preparing Your Accountancy Practice for Acquisition – Part 1!
Over many years of experience we have dealt with countless Accountants seeking an acquisitions specialist and have had the opportunity to locate, facilitate and support a number of Accountancy business sales.
Whether or not you have a fully ‘prepared for sale’ business, can make or...
Getting The Right Price For Your Accountancy Practice?
If you want to sell your Accountancy practice...
It is always great to hear about how someone else has done it right... Right?
Click the link below to watch the video with Accountancy practice sellers we have helped.
Listen to how we have helped them achieve a premium price for their Acco...
Will You Settle For The Unsavoury Accountant?
When it comes to selling your Accountancy practice it is imperative to have a high buyer base.
Because the higher the buyer base…
The higher the potential price for your business!
So how do you find the most suitable acquirers out there and how to you spot the ones to stay away from?
Accountants: Is it Your First Time?
Buying an Accountancy practice is definitely a game changer in your career. You can earn more whilst being your own boss.
But it comes with a lot of responsibilities too.
Understanding important aspects of the business is key to a successful acquisition. Factors such as:
Client numbers and behav...
Accountants: Did You Miss This?
I wanted to reach out to the significant number of Accountancy practice owners who have been effected by the current situation.
Effected, if you are over 60, considered medically high risk or if you are just scared of meeting with clients at the moment.
Or on the other side of the coin, maybe you just really enjoy b...
The Necessary Accountancy Pivot!
Everyone is being asked to stay inside. To maintain social distancing and self-isolation.
Businesses most affected by this are ones that provide services in local areas. Restaurants, salons, gyms, local markets are all businesses that deal with people locally and in person.
They have all been forced to close!
Struggling in this new and distressing climate and don't know what to do next?
Watch the video I made especially for you so you can get a handle on what is happening and information about our emergency buyers guild that is available to you now!
Retiring Accountant
Unit 6
Highfield Business Park
North Yorkshire
01765 698 699