Little Big Accountancy Lies

October 28, 2019

Little Big Accountancy Lies! 

According to a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts 60% of adults can’t have a 10-minute conversation without lying at least once!

Apparently, those people who did tell lies actually told an average of three lies during their brief chat.

Not big lies in the grand scheme of things, but small and innocent fibs here and there.

The shocking thing is, they didn’t even realise they were doing it!

Most were aghast when they listened to recordings of what they had said… At least that is what they claimed! 

The fact that these lies were so easily told completely knocked me over.  

But when I really thought about it, I came to the conclusion that perhaps it isn’t so shocking!

Because most people spend every hour of every day lying to themselves. 

But what if we cannot be truthful with ourselves. Where will it get us? 

If we can’t be truthful with ourselves there is no way in hell we are going to be truthful to other people and so it poses the question…

What are you lying to yourself about the most?

You need to answer yourself honestly, because being honest has the power to make you really look in the mirror and force you to come to terms with any insecurities you might have. 

So be honest: 

Are you really that happy with the performance of your business?

Does the car you drive, or the house you live in fill you with satisfaction? 

What about the relationships you have with your family and friends, are they fulfilling? 

Are you really dedicated to achieving your goals?

It could be anything but at the end of the day, being honest with yourself is the first step you need to take to change your situation and turn it into something you truly want...

And if what you want is more clients and a considerable and desirable business then you should click here to download our highly recommended eBook on buying accountancy practices.  

By investing ten minutes of your time, the eBook available above will share with you the nine factors that accurately predict a firms profit uplift potential so you know which ones are worth investing in.

And if you want to expand your horizons through accountancy acquisition then here are three ways I can help: 

Call us! We have expert consultants specially trained to answer all the questions you don’t even know you have on acquiring an accountancy practice. If you are ready for guidance and a step by step walk through of the process, click here now. 

Claim your free no obligation guide to buying an accountancy practice. This eBook will walk you through how to prepare for your acquisition journey and most importantly will give you the lowdown on the pitfalls of acquisition. 

If you are in the market and want to attract the top accountancy sellers, reply with the word ‘truth’ and I will see if I can help.  

Best wishes, 

Steve Hagues

PS. Don’t lie to yourself any longer! Begin the journey of improving your business through acquisition by clicking here to read up on the five fatal errors made when buying an accountancy practice!

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